its has already been three weeks since i came back from my 9-day trip to TAIWAN!!!LOVE IT!!haha.but actually forgot to blog..hehe=)
ENJOY my trip there very very very much!!!!
when i reached there, i saw the kind of culture the Taiwanese lived in..wow..so different from Singapore!! their culture was kind of different but COOL! the people there are so friendly and polite! apart from some who knocks into you but don't even apologise.. you know when we went up the escalator at the MRT station, we were all shocked to see how the Taiwanese queue in such an orderly manner!!!in Singapore, we're supposed to stand on the left right? but nobody cares..But inTaiwan, when you're supposed to on the right, you had better stand on the right, or you'll be the outstanding person on the escalator, with everyone standing on the right, while you standing anywhere you want to. i wanted to take a picture, but people may think i'm crazy..haha.. oh ya, on the second last day, my elder sis and i went to enjoy ourselves at the hot spring!!it was wonderful! super comfortable!!!my first time actually..my mum dint want to come along, so she stayed together with my dad and younger sis who cannot come along with us as they are both not feeling well..yah,..my dad and younger sis were both having a cough..sigh..so sad..cannot enjoy in the hot spring as a family..at least, my elder sis and i enjoyed ourselves!!yay!
we enjoyed our trip also thanks to my father's close friend who lives there. he was the one who helped us with the booking of hotels and train tickets. he even booked "limousine" to bring us to our hotels. haha.their limousine there is actually a seven-sitter van.something like that.it was really huge and comfortable..hehe=)
The first four days, we stayed at my father's friend's newly renovated house. his friend actually has not stayed at that house for about 10 years..but coincidentally his house just finish renovating on the day we arrived, so he let us stay in that house of his to see how was it. so..we were like the first to stay in that newly renovated house for three days..wow.. when i went in my jaws dropped..!!!it was huge like anything with 4 storeys!!GOSh!!!!it was like a villa in Singapore.haha. the bedrooms were huge too. i told my dad that my jaws dropped when i went in that house, and he was like:"Why, what happened?"..haha. then i was like "no..you don't get the joke?"..then he said "oh.."hehe=) In Taiwan, there was this High Speed Rail (HSR). it was super duper fast lah..i heard from my father's friend that it runs at 300km/h!!!fast right??oh oh you know from his house we could see it too! it looked something like a bullet train.yah..its so fast that if you just turn around and turn back, the train is gone..the train had 12 cabins..i guess..haha.
The next three days we stayed at a hotel at Taroko Gorge. it was on the mountain, but not very high though. haha. it was quite huge with quite a lot of facilities too. it was a 1-hour ride up the mountain to the Gorge. i heard the Taroko Gorge was quite famous in Taiwan. when we first reached there, i was super pissed lah..before we even stepped into the hotel lobby, we could hear the sound of drilling..so irritating lah..of all times must drill when we are there.sigh..it was so noisy and loud and it got even noisier as we took the lift up to our hotel room as they were having renovation near the lift landing. heard from the hotel staff that they were changing the flooring that's why its very noisy..
The hotel room we stayed was quite huge, considering that it was a family suite, with two erm..i think two queen size beds..there was a so called "arcade" at the hotel.indoor and outdoor swimming pools too..the so called "arcade" had air hockey, table tennis, mini bowling with the bowling balls as small as the size of 1 orange. it was super small lah..i'm kind of exagerating though..haha. maybe a bit bigger than 1 orange actually..haha.=)oh ya there was also a KTV too, which my family and I went on the second night..haha. that was my first time going into 1 KTV..i'm not joking..haha.
just the first night at Taroko, something happened....we were at the so called "arcade" playing table tennis when my younger sis suddenly became breathless..after a while of rest she was still not okay.so my mum ask if she wants to go back to the hotel to have more rest or she wants to go and see a doctor.my sis said she wants to see the doctor.cuz there were no clinics at the hotel so my father had to ask the hotel staff to call for transport to fetch my sis down the mountain to the hospital at Hualien.actually there was a nursery but the nurse already went home..stupid nurse go home so early for what...haha=)jkjk..actually on that particularly afternoon i saw that my sis lips were quite pale already, but she looks quite fine then..she was really weak and couldn't walk and we got really worried.we got her changed and soon the hotel reception called to say that the bus was here to fetch her to the hospital. my mum and dad went down the mountain with my sis while me and elder sis stayed in the hotel. we were very worried for my younger sis....soon after about an hour plus, my dad msg my sis saying that my younger sis was fine, no major problem, and that they would be back soon. when they came back, we saw her jumping along the corridor back to our hotel room, and knew that she was really fine.she looked so cute then..haha.LOLs..=P actually that night she got breathless because she couldn't cough out her phlegm, so it got stuck in her airway, so she had difficulty in breathing..but she was fine after seeing a doctor...
THe third day at Taroko, only my father, my elder sis and I went on a tour by ourself at the gorge, as my mother accompanied my younger sis who was resting in the hotel. We were supposed to go through 5 tunnels til we reach a fountain. the tunnels were pitch dark, really really pitch dark!! you couldn't even see your own feet!!this time i'm really not exagerating!!that was why you had to carry a torch with you. well, we borrowed three torches from the hotel, so we were safe..haha. the tunnels were long and the road to the tunnels were extremely long too..we were told that the journey there and back supposed to take about 2 hours, but we were back at the starting point in about 1 and a half hours. quite fast lah..my dad was like luckily my younger sis did not come along, or she would not be able to walk for that 1 and a half hours..though the tour was long and exashauting, still, we enjoyed ourself a lot.. it was a great experience for me..
THe last four days, we stayed at Rainbow Hotel in Taipei. JUst nice! our hotel was at the junction of Ximending. shopping!!! shopping!!! shopping!!!Wheeeee!=)DId not really buy much things there, unlike my elder sis who bought the most things...oh!!haha. almost forgot about something..haha. i think if i'm not wrong,..on our second day, we went to the fishermen's warth..there was this huge and long white bridge..we were crossing on the bridge when suddenly i heard my younger sis screaming:"Oh! my hat dropped into the sea!!oh no...!" haha!!!!i turned around, and saw her pointing at the sea. i looked down and really saw her black hat floating in the sea..i started laughing like mad!!!haha. it was really funny..hahahhahahahahaha.
on that same night, we went shopping at Shiling night market. it was famous for taiwan's night market.huge and crowded though..like of course! i bought a nice purple hat there. and of course my sister bought one too, as her hat was floating in the sea..haha.
oh yes!!!! you know throughout that 9 days, i already drank 3 cups of slurpees!! gosh! their slurpees there are super cheap! actually most things in Taiwan are really cheap..much cheaper than in Singapore. in SIngapore one cup can cost up to about $1 plus? in Taiwan , its less than 1 sing dollars!! i still have not drink enough..haha.so cheap lar!i want more!!!hehe=D
i don't mind going to TAIWAN again!!!its super duper FUN! my most enjoyable holiday EVER!!!!glad we went there..=P
oh yes!!my elder sis passed her driving!!!haha.the last few days when we went out she would be the one driving, instead of my father..you know when she first drove us out, i was like super scared..haha.but i said must have confidence in her!!after dinner one day, we went cruising at Changi with my sis driving.scary!!!=Oshe actually dint know it was red light, and almost went pass...gosh!That scared me out..haha.she suddenly braked lah..but after a few days, she's much better..more "pro" laready..hahaha=D
5:16 PM
photos will be posted later..=D
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26th feb
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